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Browse Business Listings in Cedar Hill, Tennessee for Powder Coating

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Cedar Hill, TN Powder Coating - We add color to the things that can’t be painted. We’re the best at powder coating in Cedar Hill, TN – we’ll get the job done.

With a veritable rainbow of color choices, the ability to protect from heat, water, and cold, and an application process, powder coating is quickly becoming the first choice for metal protection in most American industries.

What Is Cedar Hill, TN Powder Coating?

Our Cedar Hill, TN powder coating process uses tough thermoplastic polymers to coat metal products, giving them colorful and protective finishes. Our process is the standard for all non-liquid painting, especially among the automotive, construction, and home industrial sectors.

Cedar Hill, TN powder coating is typically used to protect machines or consumer products from damage and rust. It is often applied using a specialized electrostatic gun. The powder gains a positive electric charge and is sprayed onto a grounded object with compressed air. Then, the target object is heated, the powder melts, and it is cured and cooled. Cedar Hill, TN powder coating produces a hard, uniform shell around metal objects. Yeah, it's a pretty cool process, allowing you to color and protect metal without using paint or some sort of plastic-dipping process.

Powder coating allows for tougher, thicker coatings than liquid (paint) coating. It also produces less waste (since the unused powder falls off to be recycled) and can be cheaper for industrial processes, especially when there are thousands of units being coated each day. So, how can powder coating help you? Well, on a small scale, you can coat metal items like fencing, signs, automotive parts, or small projects. But if you're considering how to best color and protect a large amount of similarly-sized items, say, car hoods, then you should contact us to see if our Cedar Hill, TN powder coating facility can help you achieve your goals.

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