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Browse Business Listings in Saint-Georges-Est, Quebec for Ice Skating Rinks

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A perfect Saint-Georges-Est, QC date, unless you have no sense of balance. Enjoy the fun at an Ice Skating Rink.

Public Ice Skating Rinks in Saint-Georges-Est, QC

Saint-Georges-Est, QC Ice Skating Rinks are a fun place to enjoy the ice year round. They offer you a place to dance on ice. You can bring your own skates, or rent a pair of theirs. Typically, Saint-Georges-Est, QC Rinks for Ice Skating offer public skating at certain times of the day, and ice skating classes at other times of day. You can bring a date, practice speed skating, "shoot the duck," or just do rings around other skaters. It's fun to slide around on the ice and pretend you're a Mighty Duck.

Joking aside, that movie series was incredibly influential in my early childhood. I wanted to be part of the "Flying V" and I had a crush on the girl goalie. I never made it anywhere, but that doesn't mean I can't go out on the ice and have fun. I always touch the ice as I go around in a circle, to remember Hans.

Ice Skating Lessons in Saint-Georges-Est, QC

Saint-Georges-Est, QC Ice Skating Rinks wouldn’t be complete without Ice Skating Lessons. Rinks for Ice Skating have lessons designed for all skill levels, ages, and abilities. Young or old, you can enjoy a lesson. We also offer opportunities for competitive skating and ice skating tournaments. If you're good, bring your A-game. We want to see what you can do.

Ice Skating Parties in Saint-Georges-Est, QC

Most Saint-Georges-Est, QC Ice Skating Rinks also have food stands where you can warm up with hot chocolate. The ice is a great place for birthdays or special occasions, and you can often rent the rink, or get a special discount rate for your party guests. It's a fun and safe activity, but just be prepared to be a little bit chilly, and to take a few falls. Brrr!

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