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Browse Business Listings in Upper Port la Tour, Nova Scotia for Spelunking

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Upper Port la Tour, NS is full of exciting caves. Spelunking allows you to explore said caves.

Spelunking Instructors and Guides in Upper Port la Tour, NS

Spelunking, often known as cave diving, caving or cave exploring, or as I like to call it, reverse rock climbing, can be a fantastic adventure. Upper Port la Tour, NS cave exploring offers you insight into this adventurous activity. Here you will find spelunking guides and instructors, as well as spelunking equipment. Spelunking in Upper Port la Tour, NS and the surrounding areas is a fun exploration process, and the difficulty is dependent upon the cave being explored. A typical spelunking adventure will include negotiating squeezes, pitches, and water as well as crawling through small spaces, and safely going up and down steep or slippery passages. Luckily, there are well trained spelunking instructors and guides here to help through this process. Caving instructors will help you prepare for cave dives, and will educate you on the equipment needed, including ropes, harnesses, helmets, and lamps. Caving guides will map out and plan cave dives, so that you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Spelunking Equipment in Upper Port la Tour, NS

If you’re looking for Upper Port la Tour, NS spelunking equipment, you will find it here. We carry helmets, lights, dried food, safety equipment, and more. Trust me, you don't want to be caught deep in a cave and have your lantern go out. Seriously, it gets DARK a mile under the earth. We've got your back, but you should always have a backup for your backup's backup when you go spelunking. You don't want to be found a hundred years from now and be put on display in the alien's version of the Smithsonian, do you? They'll probably even get your age wrong (remember, you'll be a skeleton by then). Just take our advice and be very well prepared before you hit the caves.

Bottom line: if you want a cool Jonny Quest-style adventure, check out Upper Port la Tour, NS cave diving today.

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