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Browse Business Listings in Belfield, North Dakota for Rubber Products & Manufacturing

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Belfield, ND Rubber Products and Manufacturing - Do you wonder where babies come from? How about tires? Well, we know where the tires come from – our rubber products and manufacturing in Belfield, ND!

Uses for Belfield, ND Rubber Products and Manufacturing

Natural rubber comes from rubber trees, which are prevalent in South America. The rubber is harvested by making cuts in the trees and collecting the sap that oozes out. Fun fact: approximately 50% percent of the world's rubber is used to make various tires and tubes. The other 50 percent is used for the "general rubber goods" sector of manufacturing. This includes boots, gloves, shock absorbers, and carpeting.

The actual process of making rubber goods improved quite a bit during World War II, as manufacturers had to learn to recycle rubber and make it into high-quality wartime products like flying goggles and gas masks. The resulting explosion of manufacturing knowledge has led American in the rubber manufacturing industry on a worldwide scale.

Although many people use the fruits of the rubber products and manufacturing, not as many understand the rich history behind our rubber products and manufacturing in Belfield, ND. The center of rubber industry is still in Akron, Ohio, a fine town. For example, did you know that many workers in the automotive and construction industry rely on Belfield, ND rubber products and manufacturing? Great consumer goods, like pencil erasers and bouncing balls all owe a debt to the rubber products and manufacturing in Belfield, ND.

Rubber is often used for building doors and windows, gloves for hospitals and other medical needs, adhesive glues, low-end chewing gum, clothing, rubber bands, wiring, and even in children's products, like toys and balloons. If you’ve got a product idea and want to see a prototype, give us a call. We’ll be excited to discuss your idea and offer feedback.

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News and Information about Rubber Products & Manufacturing
Feel the need to #treat #mistress....
Published 6/11/2013 1:25:25 PM
If you work in the foam or rubber industry and adhesive back these materials then we have products of interest to you ! #sab
Published 6/11/2013 12:59:37 PM
Products, materials and services offered by the Rubber & Polyurethane industry
Published 6/11/2013 12:00:13 PM
RT @hollingworth_cc: Well done to our U17's who had a close game v Newton last night. HCC 92 - 8 NCC 91 - 8 L Belfield 3 - 12 A Barnsley ?
Published 6/11/2013 12:34:28 AM
So here I am in Belfield, ND the whole place smells like a fresh cut hay field, move a couple rigs and then back to wonderful Wyoming!!!
Published 6/10/2013 11:57:05 PM
Well done to our U17's who had a close game v Newton last night. HCC 92 - 8 NCC 91 - 8 L Belfield 3 - 12 A Barnsley 3 - 20 #lastballwin
Published 6/10/2013 10:58:54 PM
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