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Browse Business Listings in Butner, North Carolina for Welding School

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Burn your retinas up at welding school and then learn to be the first person in Butner, NC to adjoin two I-beams blind. If you're lucky you can sue, collect the disability and still have a full time job.

Butner, NC Arc Welding School

Are you ready to make some sparks, and get paid for it too? Our welding school in Butner, NC will allow you to do what you enjoy most, play with fire, and get paid well doing it. If only your mom could be reading this now!

There’s no better time to pursue welding school in Butner, NC than right now. Metal manufacturers and repair technicians are growing in demand, and much of the current task force is set to retire.

This can only mean one thing: those that are smart enough to get in on this career now are going to reap the rewards. Opportunities in the field are endless, especially since it is used in so many fields, such as construction, manufacturing, and many skilled industries. There are numerous career options in the industry. Whether you enjoy working with your hands, traveling the world, inspecting and analyzing things, working with numbers, or communicating or inspiring others, there is a career opportunity available for you.

For example, arc welding school in Butner, NC involves learning how to weld with an electric arc between an electrode and a base material to melt metals. You will learn all about direct or alternate current and consumable or non-consumable electrodes. We will also teach you about the different types of power supply sources you can use in arc welding school in Butner, NC , and how each source can give you a different experience. Upon completion of our training courses, you will be prepared for an apprenticeship, or to jump directly into a career.

Butner, NC Gas Welding School

The first thing you will learn at our welding school is how to pay attention. We can give you the experience and training needed for this career. We know the oldest and most versatile processes for joining metal: it is still widely used for pipes and tubes, as well as in repair work. Best of all, the equipment is relatively inexpensive and simple, which makes it a very profitable career once the training is done. It is traditionally used for precision work -- like jewelry -- with a water torch, or for plastic. To find out more about the training and future opportunities, contact our Butner, NC welding school today.

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News and Information about Welding School
Two elementary students sent to hospital after school bus collides with welding truck via @calgaryherald
Published 6/11/2013 2:34:41 PM
Bro if I work at the post office I'm not going back to school for about year...... Welding can wait
Published 6/11/2013 2:25:15 PM
RT @HeraldHeadlines: Two elementary students sent to hospital after school bus collides with welding truck
Published 6/11/2013 1:12:22 PM
@dustin_bragg21 league start next week in Butner
Published 6/11/2013 12:47:18 PM
RT @paNICKmode: This kid from Butner trying to dunk it is just embarrassing
Published 6/11/2013 12:14:31 PM
#job Training Instructor (Vocational Training Inst... #Butner #NC
Published 6/11/2013 12:05:13 PM
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