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Browse Business Listings in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts for Piano Tuning & Repair

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East Bridgewater, MA Piano Tuning and Repair – Your kid’s piano playing sounds horrible. But who knows? It might be the piano. Our piano tuning and repair in East Bridgewater, MA can help you to find out.

Piano String Replacement in East Bridgewater, MA

Is your piano out of tune? Did one of the keys or pedals break? Then it might be time for you to contact a local East Bridgewater, MA Piano Tuning and Repair service.  Piano String Replacement in East Bridgewater, MA may even be able to put in some type of automated player piano, so that you can impress your friends by faking it.  Or maybe you can make your kid think that he or she really is amazingly talented.

Piano Maintenance and Restoration in East Bridgewater, MA

East Bridgewater, MA Piano Tuning and Repair professionals are here to help with all of your piano repair needs. Piano Maintenance and Restoration in East Bridgewater, MA can help repair or replace all the parts on your piano, including key tops, casters, covers, strings, pedals, and more. Piano Maintenance and Restoration in East Bridgewater, MA can also provide piano restoration and piano remanufacturing. We can handle just about any style or make of piano -- anything from '80s synthesizers to heirloom harpsichords. Just like in the movies, we will come and listen to the tones your piano makes, and adjust the strings to make it pitch-perfect. There is an extra charge for our blind piano tuners, just because they're so darn cool.

Piano Replacement Parts in East Bridgewater, MA

East Bridgewater, MA Piano Tuning and Repair professionals will provide expert tuning to ensure your piano is in perfect playing condition. If you are planning on hiring a professional Piano Tuner in East Bridgewater, MA, it is important to select one who is not only experienced and knowledgeable about pianos, but also one who knows how to play a piano. To find out more about the services offered, contact one of our local Piano experts for Tuning and Repair Service today.

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