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Browse Business Listings in Essie, Kentucky for Jewelry Appraisal

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If you asked for a carrot diamond ring and got a 24-carat diamond ring instead, Essie, KY is full of jewelry appraisal professionals who can tell you if you got ripped off or not.

Engagement Ring Appraisal in Essie, KY

Want to know how much your engagement ring is really worth? Have a family heirloom that you think might be worth thousands? Contact our Essie, KY jewelry appraisal service today. We ascertain the fair market value of jewelry pieces. Your pieces of jewelry do not have to be separate gemstones in order to be appraised; they can be a necklace, ring, earrings, or even a tiara.

Diamond Appraisal in Essie, KY

When having a piece of jewelry appraised, our appraisers typically will look at the gemstone size, cut, clarity, and color, rarity, hallmarks, and originality.

It’s a good idea to ask appraisers “What qualifies you?” Our professional appraiser will be more than happy to answer this question. You will want to find out our appraiser's means of comparison and authentication. Find out if they are a member of a gemological society, not just a due paying member, but also an active participant. For example, our Essie, KY jewelry appraisers continue their education through consistent certification and re-qualification courses.

Find out the type of equipment they will be utilizing. If you want us to appraise diamonds, make certain they are using a certified diamond master set containing at least five diamonds. Finally, you will also want to ensure that your Essie, KY jewelry appraiser is aware of the proper markets in which to place the jewelry’s value.

Appraisal Report in Essie, KY

So you’re unsure if that carat diamond you got is really a carat? We're the best jewelry appraisal service in Essie, KY. Find out if the diamond on your finger is really a diamond, or if you've been wearing a piece of glass.

Once your jewelry appraisal is complete, we will provide you with an appraisal report containing the appraisal purpose an use, grading system, professional profile, type of item, item gender, metal contents, metal finishes, measurements, manufacturing process, engraving, settings, types of findings, circa, condition of the piece, provenance, family lore, signatures, hallmarks, or trademarks, and photographs of the piece. If there is a gemstone being appraised, the report will contain the gemstone weight, cut, clarity, color, measurements, finish, enhancements, plotting, origin, carvings, and faceting. Jewelry appraisal in Essie, KY is a valuable tool for insurance purposes, as well as for divorce claims. If you have expensive pieces, it is important to make sure you have your pieces appraised every two years as the markets change.

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News and Information about Jewelry Appraisal
Have you had your jewelry appraised? Contact us when you need an expert jewelry appraisal.
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