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Browse Business Listings in Fayette County, Tennessee for Eating Disorder Counseling & Rehab

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Because you deserve desert and you deserve to be healthy, checking out eating disorder counseling and rehab in Fayette County, TN is your wisest course of action. Eating disorders are serious medical conditions and affect thousands of women and men each day and you don’t have to fight it alone, because our team is here to help.

NEDA in Fayette County, TN

Eating disorders involve disturbing changes in eating habits. If you are unsure that someone might be suffering from an eating disorder, here are some telltale signs. If you or someone you know is following very strict or rigid diets, throwing up after meals, gorging food in secret or obsessively counting calories, you might want to get them some help. People suffering from an eating disorder have distorted, self-critical attitudes about weight, food, and body image. Our eating disorder counseling and rehab in Fayette County, TN can help you or your friend get out of a destructive cycle.

We provide a vital network to help those coping with an eating disorder. The National Eating Disorders Association or (NEDA) is one particular network that specializes in all of the issues relating to eating disorders. With local offices and hotlines, they are an excellent resource for those struggling, or for those who have someone who they care for that has an eating disorder. NEDA also works with our eating disorder counseling and rehab in Fayette County, TN, so we can meet your specific situation’s needs. You are not alone in your struggle, and chances are there are others people around you that are struggling, too. Be a success story so that you can be a light to those around you. Your health and future is at risk, so do not waste a single moment.

Anorexia Nervosa Counseling in Fayette County, TN, Bulimia Nervosa Counseling in Fayette County, TN, Binge Eating Disorder Counseling in Fayette County, TN

There are three main types of eating disorders, anorexia (starvation out of fear of becoming fat), bulimia (a destructive cycle of binging and purging), and binge eating disorder (those who compulsively overeat, rapidly consuming thousands of calories in a short amount of time). We provide a safe place to discuss your struggle. Our eating disorder counseling and rehab in Fayette County, TN will help treat any emotional or deep-seated issues in your psyche, which in turn will help you to get to the root of your eating disorder.

Body Image Counseling in Fayette County, TN

Contact our eating disorder counseling and rehab in Fayette County, TN. Find out if we will be beneficial to aiding your fight against what is causing you to have a distorted self body image. Society and the media seem to make it their aim to fill us with distorted notions of what beauty and the body should be. As the models and movie and TV stars keep getting skinnier and less reflective of what is healthy and normal, it is understandable why so many people would feel that they do not measure up. The problem is that our measuring tools, namely our self-image and self-confidence, are too many times broken or set up to fail. These tools must be recreated, and our eating disorder counseling and rehab in Fayette County, TN can help. Remember beauty is deeper than what is on the outside; it is what is on the inside. Love yourself and the rest will come.

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