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in Newport County, Rhode Island for Child Care Licensing
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If you are gregarious but insane and own a large home in Newport County, RI, why not consider getting child care licensing. One of the above two factors are usually necessary but, most often than not, you will lose your already fractured mind after the first week of doing a daycare in your house anyway.
Family Child Care Licensing in Newport County, RI
Prove that you are more than just daddy day care with Newport County, RI child care licensing. It’s a fancy endorsement showing that you know what you are doing, and want to do it right. And it’s all about the kids anyway.
Childcare licensing varies from state to state, but there are always standards that must be met to become licensed. Newport County, RI family childcare is child care that is provided in your home for up to six children, including your own. Oftentimes you can work up to “Plus Programs” that allow you to care for up to eight children, or with an EEC assistant you can even house a large family child care with up to 10 children. Whatever size your Newport County, RI family childcare business, licensing is very important for you, your home business, and for the families and children under your care.
Applying for Newport County, RI family child care licensing is fairly easy, after you meet the requirements such as minimum age, a criminal background check and DSS background check on you and any other household member regularly on the premises aged 15 and up, physical and mental health proficiency, and at least one year of full-time childcare experience or early childhood education (parenting can also offset part of this requirement).
There also are very important guidelines concerning making your home child safe and childproofed, such as removing any pealing paint indoors and out, covering or barricading radiators and wood stoves, making poisons or chemicals inaccessible to children, installing barriers to entryways or stairs, and installing fencing. These requirements will likely be followed by an inspection, and upon approval some courses such as first aid and CPR will also be required, as well as orientations and informative sessions.
This process is in depth and should not betaken lightly, but a local Newport County, RI family child care license can also be the difference between a fulfilling career working from home, or simply trying to get by.
Group Child Care Licensing in Newport County, RI
A license is essential for those who are working in a childcare setting outside of their home.
There are many different forms of licensing, such as the GCC licenses, the Child Care Center license and the School Age Care license. These licenses are required if you are caring for unrelated children on a regular basis outside your home. The Newport County, RI Group Child Care license is typically for group care of children under seven years old, in which children stay for a set number of hours on a regular basis and where a curriculum and focus is being followed.
The Newport County, RI School Age Care license, and similarly the Newport County, RI Child Care licensing process is for those that provide care for a group of unrelated school age children on a regular basis, such as before and after school and during holidays. This also applies to summer group childcare as well.
The requirements for these licenses are as follows: all staff must have a criminal background check performed, a statement of ownership of the program must be proven and shown, the building must pass inspection for health and safety, the qualification of the staff must be proven and direct supervision of staff must be proven, EEC child to staff ratios must be met, behavioral plans must be made and established, age-appropriate activities and programming must be proven, a health care policy must be developed, and all necessary medical records and documents must be obtained and saved.
These requirements must be met before a license will be given. A building inspection may be required as well, though it can take place while the application process is underway. To find out more, or to begin the process, contact our licensing experts today.
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