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Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

St.113, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Schenectady, NY 12304
(023) 655-5395
The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum is the memorial site
Based on 11 reviews.

General Information
The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum is the memorial site of the S-21 interrogation and detention center of the Khmer Rouge regime. Located in the heart of Phnom Penh, it preserves a tragic period in history with the aim to encourage visitors to be messengers of peace.

Products & Services
The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum is the memorial site of the S-21 interrogation and detention center of the Khmer Rouge regime. Located in the heart of Phnom Penh, it preserves a tragic period in history with the aim to encourage visitors to be messengers of peace.

    Based on 11 reviews.
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Was an experience full of emotion! This is the first time I visit Cambodia, and it really deserved for this place, even if it affects you emotionally you can learn a lesson from this visit. The guides were very friendly and very knowledgeable! Recommend to everyone!
55 Months Ago by  Page213|Report Abuse
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Was an educational visit of Cambodian history and the Khmer Rouge regime, It is a must if you come to Phnom Penh. I was really impressed by the video that showed us interviews with the survivors, finally it was a necessary experience in my life. I would highly recommend this museum to everyone!
55 Months Ago by Barrett42|Report Abuse
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I start this review by saying that the people I met here are very honest anv very kind, I did not think that I can remain so impressed, this museum is really a living history of Cambodia, If you think life's tough, just wait till you get here, I really changed my perception about life. Recommend!
56 Months Ago by Dean321|Report Abuse
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S-21 is a must-see!! If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it. I highly recommend one takes the time to visit this memorial and pay respect to these people who lost their lives through no fault of their own.
56 Months Ago by Dean321|Report Abuse
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I am very pleased that we have done these tours; they have been very well organized, I recommend a personal guide, we had an extraordinary one, I spent 5 days here with the whole family and it was a very good experience, I highly recommend The Killing field and S21 Tour!
56 Months Ago by Gray21|Report Abuse
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VERY INFORMATIVE! Even though what you will find here are some very sad events, they are worth knowing, they provided us a bus with air conditioning and they show a very informative video between the two stops. This visit is a must!
56 Months Ago by Cassandra Sullivan|Report Abuse
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A very emotional experience! Visiting this museum is essential to understanding what huge mistakes have been made and which should not be repeated, we were lucky to have a very knowledgeable guide who explained us very well, many appreciation for Mr.Bou, professional English speaking Tour guide.
56 Months Ago by  Ray213|Report Abuse
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An experience full of emotion, even for this museum it was worth visiting Cambodia, I will definitely tell my friends the experience I had here, there remains a place I will not be able to forget. Visit this place and you will be impressed!
56 Months Ago by Santos324|Report Abuse
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Impressive places but also full of sadness, this museum was very well thought out, it offers very advantageous services that transfer into history lessons from which we must learn something. I visited Cambodia only for this museum, it was totally worth it!
56 Months Ago by Howard21|Report Abuse
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Impressive places but also full of sadness, this museum was very well thought out, it offers very advantageous services that transfer into history lessons from which we must learn something. I visited Cambodia only for this museum, it was totally worth it!
56 Months Ago by Howard21|Report Abuse
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Was a very well organized and efficient tour! The audio guides were the best I've heard! I visited the S21 Prison and the Killing Fields, we had a video on the bus explaining the background to the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. I recommend you visit this museum as soon as possible!
59 Months Ago by Chapman2123|Report Abuse
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