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in Sweet Springs, Missouri for Furniture & Upholstery Repair
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Sweet Springs, MO Furniture and Upholstery Repair - They can remove the grooves from your cushions. We're the best place for furniture and upholstery repair in Sweet Springs, MO. If your new leather couch has just been mangled by your puppy, or a leg has broken on your grandmother’s antique vanity, you’ve come to the right place.
Sweet Springs, MO Antique Furniture and Fixture Repair
Our Sweet Springs, MO repair services are valuable, especially if you own antique furniture or fixtures. Sweet Springs, MO Antique Furniture and Fixture Repair services are able to repair broken chairs, tables, couches, vanities, lamps, and more. Sweet Springs, MO Antique Furniture and Fixture Repair can replace or fix loose or missing pieces, refinish and stain wood products, and more. Sweet Springs, MO Antique Furniture and repair a variety of furniture materials and surfaces, including stained wood, walnut, rattan, pecan, cherry, painted wood, steel, wrought iron, fruit wood, metal, oak, and more.
Sweet Springs, MO Damaged Upholstery
Upholstery Repair services in Sweet Springs, MO are able to help with mending and fixing damaged or torn upholstery, worn out upholstery, and damaged drapes. Sweet Springs, MO Furniture and Upholstery Repair services can also reupholster your furniture, and repair a variety of upholstery products and materials, including leather, vinyl, silk, satin, velvet, cotton, canvas, and more. Upholstery Repair in Sweet Springs, MO is a great way to breath new life into worn-out old furniture and upholstery. Upholstery Repair in Sweet Springs, MO is not just for your home furniture. Upholstery Repair in Sweet Springs, MO specialists are able to help repair and fix your car, truck, RV, or vans upholstery. To find out how to rehab your tired or broken furniture, contact a local Repair service for upholstery and furniture in Sweet Springs, MO today.
Give us a call if your cute little kitten has slashed your heirloom sofa to ribbons. We will assess the damage and give you a fair bid. We know Naugahyde better than anyone else in the world.
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