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Home>Browse>California>Cudahy>Construction & Contractors>Flooring Contractor>Custom Hardwood Flooring Refinishing Installation

Custom Hardwood Flooring Refinishing Installation

6230 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 799-9954
Professional Hardwood Floor Refinishing and Installation
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General Information
Custom Hardwood Flooring is a licensed, insured and bonded wood flooring contractor that caters to the Greater LOs Angeles area and its neighboring cities' hardwood flooring needs. WE specialize in wood floor refinishing, sanding, custom staining, hardwood floor installation, repair, buffing and restoration since 1994.

We strive for perfection in every step. Every business have a main core of values and commitment that they strive for. Some put more emphasis on the quality of their product and services, others focus on customer service while some gives importance to their ability to price their products and services competitively. Whatever it may be, the end result should be Customer Satisfaction.
In the world of hardwood flooring, good tangible products, and professionally done services, such as the installation of a hardwood floor, refinishing, repair, and restoration of wood flooring; go hand in hand. In this business, a hardwood flooring contractor should not only be merely someone who installs your wood flooring or someone who does sanding and refinishing, to resurface the beauty of your wood floor. He should be first a listener.

Sincerely concern about what you need as a person. He should be able to put into action your design vision for your wood flooring project. A professional Los Angeles hardwood flooring contractor should be beyond just having a license; that is a given. He must be able to deal with you with honesty, integrity, reliability, and hardwood flooring skills.

A hardwood flooring company in Los Angeles should have a pronounced commitment to what they intend to offer to their clientele. This not only gives the customer an idea of what they can expect but also gives the business a set standard to uphold their selves unto.

Having to deal with many choices of wood flooring companies can be very challenging. In this day and time, everything could sometimes boil down to the quality of marketing that the business employs. Make sure that it is not all made up for a show. It is best to do extensive research on the company that you are hiring.

Find out to what standards do they hold their selves up? Do they have any online presence or authority? Are they known to serve your local community? Did they make a professional, pleasing, and good first impression when you first cross paths with them? Were they upfront, knowledgeable, and transparent when discussing their work process?
Schedule your Free On site wood flooring estimate. We proudly serve the Greater LOs Angeles area. Call 323-799-9954 to schedule.  read more
Products & Services
We offer professional wood floor refinishing, installation, custom hardwood floor services, repair and restoration. Proudly serving the Los Angeles city and its neighboring communities with reliable hardwood floor services since 1994.
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